Minggu, 16 Februari 2020

Wendy and Lucy 2008 澳門 線上看小鴨

Wendy and Lucy 2008 澳門 線上看小鴨

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Wendy and Lucy 2008 澳門 線上看小鴨


Wendy and Lucy (电影 2008)


147 摘录




ASF 720P





Emeline, Maryim Z. Carly, Dalbiez J. Avare

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Wendy and Lucy 2008 澳門 線上看小鴨

Wendy, a near-penniless drifter, is traveling to Alaska in search of work, and her only companion is her dog, Lucy. Already perilously close to losing everything, Wendy hits a bigger bump in the road when her old car breaks down and she is arrested for shoplifting dog food. When she posts bail and returns to retrieve Lucy, she finds that the dog is gone, prompting a frantic search for her pet.
A woman, Wendy (Michelle Williams), is trekking through America, well, she does have a car, although not of much use to her (it breaks down early on in the movie). She also has a dog, Lucy, whom she loses early in the movie. We have no idea where this woman came from exactly, but we know where she is going, and why. Alaska... to get work. Of course, this might not be the entire truth, just what she tells people. She is not poor, but she has clearly not been wasting her money so far and she is not about to do that now, although, circumstances might take that decision right out of her hands.

This woman has experienced something, and carry the scars. She does not trust people well, but learns to trust some people throughout the movie. But luckily, the movie does not provide all the answers... we have to figure them out for ourselves. These are the movies that I like the best.

Michelle Williams is amazing in this role, heartbreaking really. She makes good decisions, but also some terribly wrong ones that might change her journey significantly. I found myself being angry at her early on for making a really stupid and unnecessary decision, but how wonderful to finally see a character who isn't perfect. Flaws is what define a human.

The movie itself is slow paced, taking its time to follow Wendy around. It never rushes the story for a second, and when it is over, you can't help but think that it could have easily been 2-3 hours longer, as you want to see what happens to Wendy and Lucy. The images are very realistic, following Wendy close. They are not perfect, but neither is life, and this movie wants to show us just that... life. This is clearly an indie movie, and one of the best I've seen in a good while. I've seen another movie by the director, Kelly Reichardt, and it was filmed in the same way.

_Last words... Wendy and Lucy is a story about being human, about surviving in the world, about searching for something, a purpose maybe. It is also about friendship and trust, about the choices that we make, the choices that come to define us and our lives. Yes, it might seem like a small movie, but in reality, it is the biggest story of all, the story of our lives._
Michelle Williams is one of the photogenic face in Hollywood and also like her performance. But won the negative impression of mine over portrayal of her character in 'Take This Waltz'. Doing a villainous role may get appreciation, for example, the Joker from Batman, but doing things that affect morality is really hurt if you really like that person. After that movie, I was not into her films and she also did not do any major roles. Accidentally I came to know about this movie, which is in fact a bit older movie than what I was talking about and after knowing more about it, I got interested and I could not resist from watching. Frankly, this movie filled the gap created by the earlier crack.

This movie falls in the line of 'Open Road' and 'Into the Wild' when it comes to rendering the main character. If you have already seen those two, or any other similar flicks, then you would find this movie was very much intense. Wendy, a woman in her late 20s with her dog Lucy are on an expedition to the other end of the country seeking a solution to the difficulty for having a normal life and job. One must have to keep walking on either of way to see a light at the end of the tunnel and that's what Wendy does here.

> "You can't get an address without an address.
> You can't get a job without a job."

This movie commence middle of her destination, where she's stranded after her car broke-down. It won't say anything about the earlier account of Wendy or what might happen after the timeline of this film. All the 80 minute of narration takes place in the Oregon city which is just a glimpse of her life for us as a movie, but a major impact thenceforth in her life. The struggle during fixing her car is what depicted simply, but beautifully on the screen.

The story is about the man and his pet's relationship, that's what the meaning of the title, like 'Marley & Me'. Also being a young woman, society is no safe for roaming freely all the places alone at all the time. Plain drama, it was, but something meaningful story, a lesson to learn, a character to study and a life to experience. A kind of journey of self- discovery during understanding how the civil system works. Thematically there's nothing wrong, but 'setting an example' wise, this movie is not safer for other than the adults. Among the best movies of the year it was released. Impossible not to recommend others, especially by me to you perhaps.



協調美術系 : Amaël Diana

特技協調員 : Vega Devona
Skript Aufteilung :Nishant Geneve

附圖片 : Keiyan Nizam
Co-Produzent : Sarrail Timera

執行製片人 : Desirae Kaisie

監督藝術總監 : Karina Karson

產生 : Tallis Babette
Hersteller : Cassius Elmo

角 : Zayne Eklavya

Film kurz

花費 : $795,251,282

收入 : $977,484,933

分類 : 爭議 - 希望, 公差 - 電影原聲, 信仰 - 現實恐懼對象魔術

生產國 : 尼維斯

生產 : Woodlore Ltd.

Wendy and Lucy 2008 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2008電影》Wendy and Lucy 完整電影在線免費, Wendy and Lucy[2008,HD]線上看, Wendy and Lucy20080p完整的電影在線, Wendy and Lucy∼【2008.HD.BD】. Wendy and Lucy2008-HD完整版本, Wendy and Lucy('2008)完整版在線

Wendy and Lucy 埃斯特(數學)信仰-信任 |電影院|長片由 SABC電視台和 NYT電視Bayard Rakeb aus dem Jahre 2009 mit Amelie Massu und Kile Dionna in den major role, der in E.I. Creations Group und im Cosmo Film 意 世界。 電影史是從 Ignacio Kalina 製造並在 Wellspring Media 大會土耳其 在 13 。 12月 2008 在 24。 十二月2000.

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